Tastes Like Chicken: Directions

The producers worked out an agreement with the writers and actors for another season of Tastes Like Chicken (it was easy after we figured out we're the same people doing both jobs). We're writing new scripts and will be in production soon with another batch of snack sized nuggets. In the meantime, enjoy this morsel from our first season.
Sketch comedy group Tastes Like Chicken is Aaron Blaine, Stacey Soleil, Steve Jones, Lois Larimore and Cupcake.

Tastes Like Chicken: Open

Using the principle of working with what you got, we shot this open segment in front of the apartment we were living in at the time. The camera is on a low tripod at the bottom of our driveway, which makes us look more important than we are. But we never could get it level, so it also makes us look drunker than are.
Sketch comedy group Tastes Like Chicken is Aaron Blaine, Stacey Soleil, Steve Jones, Lois Larimore and Cupcake.